Any of my followers know that this past weekend I went to Ontario for the Eastern Ontario Homesteading Conference to speak on Do It Yourself Solar Systems. This makes the title of this post accurate. I spoke in another country, and I am sure the people attending had many sensations as did I while I was speaking!
It went great! Even when I forgot English (The only language I know). It was one of the best weekends I have had in the last couple of years, and that is God's Honest Truth.
Friday I left the house around 9 am. By the way, a huge thank you to Brendan Hand who made it possible for me to go by taking care of the homestead for me. I bring this up here as If he wasn't at the homestead I would not have live-streamed while I drove North.
When I reached the Border in Alexandria Bay, there was a long line and every vehicle was taking five to ten minutes at the booth. When I finally reached the booth I had placed my Veterans hat on the passenger seat to be seen as who doesn't like a vet right? I handed the officer my license and he asked why I was visiting Canada, and how long I planned on staying, Those questions having been answered he said have a great visit and I was on my way!

I was impressed by the beauty of this foreign land and the great similarity it had with upstate New York. It is like God ignored the invisible line of the border and just kept making beautiful landscapes.
I do have to mention that if you find yourself in Ontario Canada off the highways be cautious as the roads were plotted by a drunk Frenchman. Winding roads and unannounced 120° curves abound. It didn't take me long to realize that "80" was KPH and not MPH as you would die quickly.